Because of the backwards, anti-science mentality of the Australian government and anti-vaping organisations like the Cancer Council. Their refusal to approach the subject of vaping with honesty, integrity, and a desire to reduce harm means that vaping in Australia is far more difficult and far more dangerous than it has to be.
People who want to switch to vaping have to order raw nicotine from shady foreign websites, often in concentrations that are dangerous to handle, and are expected to know how to safely mix their juice despite having never done it before.
That situation is completely unacceptable. It's not safe, it's not fair, and we want to do something about it.
Vapoureyes NZ is intended to be the best way to introduce new Australian vapers to the community, to supply them with the liquid flavours they want with nicotine already added so they don't have to mess around with syringes or perform calculations or risk poisoning themselves with raw nicotine.
Instead, we'll ship their flavours and a starter kit directly to their door so they can put the kit together, pour in some juice straight from the bottle, and start vaping without having to wonder if they did everything correctly.
Over time, we also aim to introduce a bunch of vaping guides that explain the concepts behind vaping and how to safely use various devices.
Our major goal here is to fundamentally change the way that vaping works in Australia without having to wait for the government to wake up and smell the roasted strawberry.