Getting Started with Nicotine E-Liquids

Vapoureyes New Zealand is the best place to get a starter kit and nicotine e-liquids for your vape. Orders over $50 ship FREE to Australia. This makes it super easy to get started with one of our vape starter kits, which are compatible with both salt nicotine and freebase nicotine.

So you want to start vaping, but the terminology is a bit overwhelming? Don't worry, we get it and we're here to help. 

The following is what you'll need to get started.

1. A good quality starter kit (Good quality, not "expensive"!)

  • We have a selection of only the best starter kits- which include both pod and mod options. We'll go through the differences below.

What are Vape Pods?

Pod Systems generally consist of two parts - the battery and a pod. People enjoy using Pods because of the simplicity and ease of use, as vape Mods can sometimes be a little more hands on. Most pods are draw activated, meaning you don't need to press a button to operate it. The most important thing to keep in mind is that Pod systems are generally only compatible with their own brand's replacement parts (unless otherwise specified in the product's description).

1. The battery of a pod system is what provides the power and normally you'll find a charge port, a power button and sometimes some display lights that let you know the state of your battery. Rechargeable vape batteries will generally last about 12-18 months of every day usage before they need to be replaced.

2. The pod is what you fill with your liquid. It houses the heating element or "coil" that heats your liquid into vapour when the battery sends power to it. You can generally refill your pod at least 5 times before it'll start tasting old, or burnt - at which point you'll need to replace it. Some pod systems require that you replace the entire pod, where as others only require you to replace the coil.
What are regulated Vape Mods/Kits?

Vape kits can be a little more complex than pod systems. The term 'Mods' is often thrown around because these setups allow more customisation and the ability to swap different parts out for others- meaning you can mix and match from different brands. There are generally 3 main components of a regulated vape kit.

1. The battery or batteries on a vape mod can be built in, or removable. Internal batteries will see a USB charging port on your device, similar to pod systems, where as removable batteries (the batteries are generally sold separately) allow the use of an external battery charger to swap out for a fresh pair if you find yourself getting low. While devices with removable batteries often come with USB charging ports, it's MUCH SAFER and always highly recommended that you charge removable batteries in a good quality battery charger. Never carry loose batteries around with you in your pocket, or bag. Always use battery containers. The horror stories of devices or batteries exploding have generally been caused by the incorrect usage, handling, storage or charging of batteries.

2. The mod is the electronic device that holds your batteries. They generally come with a display screen and some additional control buttons that allow you to adjust power settings to your liking. If your vape is too hot, you can adjust it down. Too cool, you can turn it up! With some mods, you'll also have access to advanced settings like temperature control, power curves, puff counters and the like.
3. The Atomiser is what sits on top of your vape mod. Similar to a pod, this is what also contains your coils. E-Liquid is filled into your atomiser which is fed to the coil and the coil is powered up to vaporise your liquid.The atomiser is one of the most adjustable parts of a vape kit with the most important being the ability to adjust the airflow. If you're after a tighter MTL (Mouth to Lung) draw, similar to a cigarette, you'll generally keep this closed off a bit. If you're after more of a DTL (Direct to Lung), similar to shisha or a waterpipe, you'll generally open it up. For sub-ohm tanks, you'll generally have a few different replacement coil options, whereas with the more advanced 'rebuildable atomisers', you'll have even more options.

2. A few bottles of e-liquid
(We have the biggest range in the southern hemisphere!)

  • Which Flavour? 
    • Flavour is subjective, but we suggest that while "tobacco" flavours are a good starter liquid, 99% of people move onto other flavours immediately after starting vaping- who wants to be reminded to stinky tobacco every day, when you could be vaping a Pina Colada, Blueberry Menthol, or Strawberry Milkshake?
    • Want to vape flavourless? That's fine, too! Just grab some easy-mix nicotine (click here!) in your required strength (no doublers or diluting required)
    • Vapoureyes Premium E-Liquids use only the best flavour concentrates imported from America and our liquids are 100% free from sweeteners and added colours. You'll notice your coils lasting longer than if you are vaping overly sweetened vape liquids.
  • How much e-liquid do I need?
    • With MTL starter kits (pods), a 30ml bottle of salt e-liquid will generally last you between 3-7 days, depending on your vaping habits. DTL (Direct to Lung) devices are generally a little thirstier and go through juice quicker. A 60ml bottle can last anywhere from 2-5 days.

    • We recommend grabbing at least 2-3 bottles to start off with, to get an idea of which flavours suit you. Try to have at least two weeks supply on hand - there is nothing worse than running out of e-liquid!
  • Nicotine levels: we offer from 0mg (nicotine free) all the way up to 18mg in freebase and 20mg up to 50mg in nicotine salts

    Freebase Nicotine
    Great for both pods and regulated vape kits!
    • 0mg - No nicotine. For someone who wants to vape for flavour, and the hand-to-mouth motion.
    • 1.5mg - Ultra-light. For those about to give up nicotine, or with use with high-powered vaping devices.
    • 3mg - Light. Almost no throat hit, for weaning off nicotine.
    • 6mg - Medium-Light. Casual smoker.
    • 9mg - Medium. Lighter throat-hit. Around 12 smokes a day.
    • 12mg - Regular. Good throat-hit. 12-24 smokes a day.
    • 18mg - Heavy. Tonnes of "throat hit". PAD+ Smoker.

Nicotine Salts
DO NOT USE SALTS IN HIGH POWERED DEVICES. These are meant only to be used in lower powered devices - like Pod Systems or the Vaporesso Drizzle Fit.

    • 20mg - 25mg - Light. For those that still need a nicotine hit from their pod device, but don't enjoy the throat hit as much.
    • 30mg - 35mg - Medium. A happy mix between throat hit and nicotine content.
    • 40mg - 50mg - Strong. The most nicotine you'll need in a pod system. Similar to a very strong cigarette. You'll really feel the throat hit and strong nicotine satisfaction almost immediately! 

    3. Some replacement coils or pods for your new vape kit.

    • Inside the "pod" or "atomiser" of your vape kit is a heating element, which is commonly called a "coil". These "coils" generally have a life-span of however many refills. Over time you'll notice they produce less and less vapour, with flavour diminishing as well. Most coils use organic cotton as the wicking material, which becomes less and less efficient at getting your e-liquid to the coil. Basically, if you get a burnt taste, it's time to change the pod or coil in your vape for a new one.

    • For about $15-20, you'll receive a pack of 3-5 coils, which will last you between 4-8 weeks (again, depending on how often and what flavours you vape).

    • Check to make sure that the coils you're purchasing are compatible with your device. 

    • Changing your coil is easy, with illustrated instructions printed in the manual of your starter kit.

    If you're having any issues finding the right coils for your vape, or you have any questions about compatibility, nicotine or starter kits please feel free to get in contact with us. We're up at odd hours, but we try our damn best to help!

      Vapoureyes NZ proudly supports Nourished For Nil, a local non-profit organisation whose sole aim it is to rescue surplus food and redistribute it to the local Hawke’s Bay community.

      The highest quality nicotine e-liquids, vaping supplies, and vape starter kits, produced in an ISO-7 clean room.
      Australian and New Zealand nicotine vaping ejuice, e-juice, e-liquids.

      © 2025 Te Wairua Limited trading as Vapoureyes.

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